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Designing ideas,
Delivering Results.
The thing about having an idea is that it almost always stays as just an idea. We're here to change that! Based in Dublin, Ireland, we aim to help everyone design the products that they can imagine.
City mobility collaboration:BBL-03
Sketch exploration: BBL-03
Rapid prototype & development
Our Mission
Our mission is to give every person the opportunity to turn their product ideas into a fully finished products, by collaborating with the right people, and engaging with the right tools, methodologies and channels.

We see these products through the eyes of our clients, understanding how they view their products intention and knowing that, with help, how they could benefit and bring delight to the local and global community.
Brass Bear Labs, Product design, Industrial design, Digital design, Interaction Design
We design, what you imagine
Branding/App development: CRUATECH
UX design process: Wireframing
Responsive web app:Pearse Physio
We're always on the lookout for new opportunities to collaborate and create. Get in touch to find out how we can work together and help turn your idea into a reality.